Today at 6 AM I, along with my teammates, started cleaning Beaver Stadium (for those who don't know, it's the fucking football field.) It's some fundraising bullshit that happens every year after the first football game. It was by far the grossest experience of my life. So as the day progressed, I switched cleaning partners here and there, meeting new people. After introducing myself, the first question that comes outta these people's mouths is "Why the hell did you pick to come all the way out here?" And to be honest it got me to thinkin' to myself...
Why the fuck am I here? It's ridiculous. Kids always give me stares cause apparently "I dress weird." And to top it all off I'm the only Filipino on fucking campus. Currently, I feel like I'm swimming in an ocean of regret in high hopes of ending up back at good ol' CalifornIA...the land of palm trees and bomb trees right? So here's to Pennsylvania and how I'm feelin' right now. Fuck it. My patience has expired.

-Mitchy fuckin' Itchy
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