Thursday, June 28, 2007


So here are more pictures from Christina's birthday. Eric's camera was on "lobat", so we resorted to Tisha Galicia for her Nikon pro bobbyhundreds pictoral capturing device.

The boys and Tiffany were just about ready to kill this waiter.

But you gotta dirty mustache!

Whatchu starin' at, pahtna?!

--Mitchy Itchy

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So, the mother fuckin triangle is finally complete.

Yesterday night was the surprise birthday dinner for Christina, whose actual birthday is today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY INA!). We celebrated dinnner with some bomb ass food at Gyu Kaku Restaurant in the Hills of Beverly. After that, we ended the night at Adrian's 2 week open pad.... What yall know about that, nothing!


Some Cool Guys and a Girl

---e*ROC the Fuckin SHOCK


Live your lives with no regrets as long as you are doing what you want at each point in time.

Milk and Cereal

Big shout out to ADRIANO on this one. If ya'll really know us, you'd be able to recall back in the day when me and Adrian used to do our impression of this clip. Just cause I kicked it with Adrian (and Dumby Catch) a couple of days ago, I'll dedicate this blog to you, my fellow video companion. To you and all the other milk & cereal eaters out there. Now for everyone's viewing pleasure, I present this classic video.

P.S. What up Shocker fam?? Y'all need to step your bloggin' game up..

--Mitchy Itchy

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tokyo Table/ Le Grove

So the day started off at Christina's debut practice, where us courtillians perspired and got all greasy. After that we headed to Patryze's gratduation party at Tokyo Table. The food persistently made its way to the table until everyone looked pretty much impregnated. The shakes were pretty bomb. And so were the chicken wangs. And the sushi pizza things. So after that we headed to get our Grove on. After the caravan of cars made the trip over, we decided to take a little photoshoot (thanks to our photographer and newly added member, Eryne Lagman.) Enjoy...

COOLCATCH, posted.

Whaddup Newbie photographer Ayyronn?!!

Catchrin Ocampo is so cool.

Levis is a must. It ain't a trend, it's a way of life, shheeeun! ha!

--Mitchy Itch

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shockers Crew

Just a little bored...A little hungry and sleepy. I don't know. Check us out, though! Blaaaahhm!

--Mitchy Itch

Saturday, June 23, 2007


So here's the long awaited and highly anticipated video from the RED "Side Adam Bomb" sale over on rosewood from last Thursday.

Courtesy of yours truly, and edited by the Sage.



Thursday, June 21, 2007

Go Skate The Day Away!

So after the big hat sale, we decided to go over to the OC and see what was goin on with our friends over at The Camp in Costa Mesa.

In commemerance of go skate day, Chad Muska and his skate team, ( opened a mini skatepark over in the parkinglot.


One Hundred Hats... TOO MANY PEOPLE.

Check out to see if you can still get a hat.

...but from the looks of it this morning, all the RED ADAM BOMBs are long gone. However, don't despair! One Hundred yellow new era's will still be available tomorrow, the 22nd. ONLINE ONLY!!!

Props to all those who came to buy one...

like the guy who was there from 3:oo P.M. yesterday afternoon,

or the guys who drove all the way down from santa barbara and waited from 4:00 A.M.,

or all the guys who ditched school, skipped work, or decided to buy a hat instead of visiting their poor sick grandma in the hospital...

Well, MAYBE not those last guys.



Saturday, June 16, 2007

...its her BIG Debut!

So the stressful day has finally arrived.

...or so it seems!

Bitches fixin' their stitches


Friday, June 15, 2007

I Shocked Your Mother

I know, I know... The title makes no sense right?

but who gives a flying fuck?

So anyway, this is the first of many more blogs to come. 
Well, a test blog... hopefully...

mic check... one, two, three, four?
