I came home last night to a pleasant surprise. Food, family, and friends shindig. My momma got me a camera for my bday, so I decided to go into the wild this morning. I've almost forgotten how nice my neighborhood is...
Eryne lags man? She too, along with Marilu has a blog that's worth stoppin' by when you kids get a chance. But ours will be surely be a behemoth of a blog once I get my hands on my very own Canon Rebel XTI thehehehehehhe!
This thing is sure damn near on its deathbed, and I'm supremely bored...So check out Lil Bow Wow getting his panties tied up in a bunch. He's cute when he's mad.
That's right folks! Our very own Marilu has a blogspot! her posts are quite impressive! i mean, c'mon, just check out that title i coppied? so hurry check it out! www.mariwanna.blogspot.com!